Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Goodbye, Smirking Bigot!

As a Pennsylvanian, I have long been ashamed of Rick Santorum. I hate his smirk almost as much as I hate Bush's, though Santorum does at least seem to be able to string a few words together into an intelligible sentence, which gives him a leg up on both Bushes.

And now he's gone. Yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, as Crooks and Liars quoted Bill Bennett as saying, <begin poor arnold impression> he'll be back <end poor arnold impression>. Apparently some think he might run for Prez in 2008. God help us.

Oh, and check out Bitch Ph.D's picture of Nancy Pelosi. If that doesn't elicit gloating giggles, I don't know what will. It's time we had a mother of five running the House. Don't make me come up there, young man!

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