Friday, November 10, 2006

Feel the love, baby!

I honestly think the last two years of Bush will be different. It's not because he's newly empathetic, or because he's seen the philosophical light. It's because he's been chastened, and he's an opportunist. He'll cozy up to Pelosi and company because it's politically expedient, and doing so might salvage his legacy. And, let's face it, that's all that matters to him now. He's gonna go clear brush after this, so he doesn't have to care about the next public job. He can put all four seconds of his focus on looking like that uniter he keeps saying he is, with the excuse to his right-wing advisors that the people have spoken.

I think we'll see a more centrist Bush who doesn't have to pander to fundamentalists and ultra-conservatives. He can tell Turd Blossom to shove it. He could actually salvage his presidency in these last two years and come out smelling like a rose. The question is, will his ol' buddies be looking out for his interests or for the Republican party's? And will he listen to them?

We know for sure they won't be looking out for the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because he's a lame duck, Bush can pull out all the stops and go even more nuts on the country. Who knows?